Digital Marketing

Oct 4, 2012

Remove Computer Virus - Using Task Manager and Command Prompt

You can remove your computer virus by using Task Manager and Command Prompt

Remove Computer Virus

Follow the steps:

Step1: open you task manager or press Ctrl+Alt+Delete in your keyword
Step2: If there's a prompt message like this "Task Manager is disabled by your administration"
step3: As you open your task manager, go to the process tab.
Step4: There you will have to kill a process that keeps the virus running.
Step5: You can't ever delete a file if it's use by programs or if it's running
Step6: Now, this is somewhat difficult because you don't know what the process that is running in your computer that is use by the virus
Step7: Sometime, the file that is use by virus was "wscript.exe"
Step8: If you found that on the process tab and you did not running a script in your computer, then you must kill that

Step9: To kill a process you must select the process and select the End Process button below the task manager
Step10: The command prompt to delete the virus
Step11: Open you run command after enter the cmd command
Step12: Go to you virus location or drive
Step13: Next step is to view the content of the directory using this command on dir /ah
step14: Now, dir /ah is a command to show files that are hidden
step15: Next, found the autorun.inf the your computer
Step16: Type attrib -s -h "filename" /s /d after enter
Step17: Type the command on del "filename"/f=>where filename is the name of the virus and /f is to force delete the file

Hope this will help you to remove virus from your PC's

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Unknown said...

nice info thank you so much

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