Digital Marketing

Jun 17, 2010

Google's New Indexing System Caffeine Got Completed on June 9th

Last month is the critical month for lot of webmasters including me and you. We saw lot of strange results in Google organic search results in May. Google update some of its major elements in May and this time it was the most critical element, “The Search Index”.

On June 9th Google announced the completion of the new indexing system "Caffeine". The latest Google update was named as Caffeine. Believe me, it’s Caffeine which recharge us daily in the form of Tea or Coffee. In the same Google recharged its indexing system with Caffeine.

Well, let’s have a look at the Google's new indexing system Caffeine. Google indexing system is the most complex indexing system by indexing thousands and millions of web pages by segregating the index according to their products or I can say categories for convenience.

Before Caffeine, Google updates its index based on the category, but not all categories at a time. The reason was Google wants to update only those categories which will have the most recent content first. Google used to update web pages indexed under few categories like News, shopping, maps, images, videos and blogs very frequently than the organic search index but in an order.

Google understands the need to crawl and index the web much more frequently than before and now Google going to index updates of web pages much more frequently.

Google’s index update priority starts from the frequently updated categories to the lazily updated categories. That’s why we used to see the news results get indexed in minutes where as the organic results not.

But with the latest indexing system, Google started updating all the categories parallel to serve a fresh search results with newly cooked content. Caffeine provides 50 percent fresher results for web searches than our last index, and it's the largest collection of web content from Google.

Google’s old index had several layers, some of which were refreshed at a faster rate than others; the main layer would update every couple of weeks. To refresh a layer of the old index, the system would analyze the entire web, which meant there was a significant delay between when Google found a page and made it available for us.

With Caffeine, Google analyze the web in small portions and update our search index on a continuous basis, globally. As Google find new pages, or new information on existing pages, it can add these straight to the index. That means we can find fresher information than ever before no matter when or where it was published. Please see the below picture for clear understanding

Due to that, we are seeing the results with out cache link in Google search results. Though the page just made live, Google is showing that for the relevant searches and in the background the indexing process will index that page parallel. After few hours or days, the page will get the cache link as well. This means that the indexing of that page completed.

The interesting part is, first Google taught the importance of fresh content and now as web smells with fresh content, Google following the web.

Do you agree with me in my statement “Google recharged its indexing system with Caffeine” to crawl and index to serve fresh content at higher speed??

I hope u already started digging in to Google for Caffeine. But get a Coffee and enjoy the “Caffeine”!!

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