Digital Marketing

Feb 22, 2014

Best SEO Strategies to Rank in 2014

Today, SEO is almost change from past. A successful SEO need to have different components which includes Responsive Design, Brand Building, Social Media Integration, Content Marketing, Mobile Optimization

Below are top 5 trends needed to follow for a SEO success:

Responsive Design:
Google is recommending responsive web design; it makes it possible for a website to present a great user-experience (which is currently most important concept in SEO) across all devices with different display dimensions. For these aspects, responsive web design is the best option for your mobile SEO strategy.
Remember, Google is now positioning on user-experience as a ranking factor.

Feb 7, 2014

Don’t Give Up With Google Updated Algorithm

You might have spending much time to create great content to move up your blog or website in search results to gain more free traffic which may proportionally increase the profit. But from the last one year, SERP's are not fulfilling the needs of the webmasters. Many of them are trying to figure out the exact matching steps to crack the Google latest updates and algorithms that frequently change these days to grab a grip on the Google SERPs.

Over the past 12 months, Google started their game up in reducing spam sites in SERP’s with continuous algorithm updates. Google is always trying to keep their search spam free, for this they are updating algo’s continuously.

Below are the major updates done by Google from past 12 months

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