Digital Marketing

Oct 29, 2009

Google Page Rank Update October 2009

After June 2009, Google Page Rank next update was definitely expected in September 2009, but now there are some news coming as Google has started the process. Google updates the PR at an interval of 3 months or so but this time they are taking more time. Google released the Google Wave and then they are also busy in Google Caffeine. Webmaster team is also busy in the upgrading the Webmaster Tool. But this time lot many websites confirming the news that Google has started the process in July and it is going to release its update on 30 October 2009.


The last update was in 23rd of June. Until now only a few site have been affected by the PR update. On 30 Oct 09 we will see clearly what are the effects of this October PR update.

Although page rank doesn’t determine your position in results, it shows your site social status and power. A site with PR 7 has more back links and more weight, when this site publishes an article it will get quickly on the first page of Google Search, even if it doesn’t have back links.

Here are some excerpts from other websites about the Google PR Update,

For those interested in rakings, backlinks and Page Rank, Google has started the PR update and backlinks update on Oct.

From many sources, including google themselves, the next PR update should be in this month, October 2009.

Now here is the day for all webmasters who are waiting for..........

Google has updates his PR algorithm today(30th Oct 09), but it is just fluctuating the PR ( not steady), Hope by the end of the day every thing will be settled.

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