10 tips to design a friendly web site
In order to ensure the acquisition and retention of potential customers and visitors, your web application must enable visitors to search and access your site with ease, via numerous search engines. The degree of friendliness that any web page has with popular search engines, determines the success of any web site.
This article deals with 10 effective tips that web designers should keep in mind while designing any web site application:
1. No web designer should make the mistake of designing the menu on the left-hand side of a web site/page. In case this is extremely inevitable, the designer should ensure that some of the rich keywords can be placed on the top or on top of the left hand menu. This approach ensures that the key words are the first words that any search engine spider’s crawl through first.
2. Any search engine gives higher weightage to the headlines rather than the actual content of the web page. In order to make effective use of this, your headline should always be made of rich keywords. However, since headline tags are usually quite large, these should be formatted to be smaller.
3. Each page of your web site should contain the title and description tags that are made out of good keywords and these should describe the content of the page effectively. An effective title should not be more than 9 words and the description should contain no more than 20 words. These restrictions will ensure that the search engine word limits are adhered to.
4. Flash is not read by most search engines so it would be wise for you to avoid using Flash as much as possible. In case the use of flash is not avoidable, flash content should be quite small in size.
5. When contemplating the use of graphics, you should ensure that all graphics are directly related to your article. Furthermore, you should try to make use of alternative tags while using graphics because search engines do not read content from graphical images.
6. Along with any image links, you should aim to use text links when linking with important information and make use of tags for your website content. Although spiders can follow image links, it is much easier for them to follow text links.
7. Search engines have restrictions when following web pages that contain frames. So, you must try to avoid the use of frames as much as possible. For some search engines that are actually able to read framed web pages, it might be difficult for spiders to interact with them.
8. Do not use complex tables while laying out your web page, try to use CSS instead.
9. Try and reduce your web page size by using java scripts and cascading style layouts as these will ensure that the download time of your web page is faster, thereby increasing your ranking.
10. Certain software applications add unnecessary scripting to your web page therefore, it is always safer to use HTML standard layouts.
If you follow the above web designing tips, you will be able to enjoy designing and developing a web site/page that in turn, makes browsing much easier to accomplish for both humans and search engines.
Thanks for the Information it is very helpful to improve the site performance
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