Digital Marketing

Sep 6, 2011

Effective Title Tag Optimization To Get Into Rankings

 Title Tag Optimization:
Web page titles are most important part of getting your site or blog in to rankings. When Google launched, Google was entirely dependent on the title and meta tags. Over time, meta tags, has lost its value due to a lot of people who completely inappropriate. However, the titles of the pages still hold a value to it, when it comes to SERP [search engines results page]. Together with your other SEO tactics to optimize the titles of web pages can cause a substantial difference in traffic from Google.

Avoid site’s name in titles:

This could also be read as "avoid duplication of texts." If you want an opinion, most blogs have their own names on the titles included on each page. For example, over-I would be 'About Me |. "In practice, it will include" "on each page of your blog or site Google does not like duplicate titles. Double that have less value than others. The first thing I do is make sure that all titles are unique. Make sure that does not repeat the same text in all the titles on your page. The best fitting title would be "my first post", which is the title of your post.

Maintaining keyword density:

One of the most important factors that determine the ranking of your website in the SERPs. People many habit of stuffing as many keywords as they can in the title of a page with the hope that the page will rank for all the keywords.

I have the best results while maintaining the good density of keywords in the title. This means that if you have seven words in the title, two of them should be your keywords and there is a high probability of being ranked in the first page.

Proper position of keywords in the title:

Here I will be quite specific so you can make the most of the titles on your page. Use keywords in the first and the third word of the title. For example, if your keyword positions are "SEO Updates", the title would be ideal "SEO Latest Updates" or "Latest SEO Updates 2011" something like that.

Length of the title:

Do not make titles, specific keywords that appear on the Google Keyword tool. Since then Google considers it as pure spam and nothing else. Try to keep titles control, anywhere between 4-8 words. Up to about 8-9 words appear in Google results. Mostly try to complete your title with in less than 65 characters.

Feel free to comment, if you have any queries i love to answer you!

Samual said...

You have explained here important things. I am really thankful to you. Internet marketing brings together design, development, advertising, and sales into an Internet marketing strategy. The interactive nature of the Internet has much to do with the success that online marketing is enjoying today.

Outsourced Marketing

Dream 500s said...

Titles are is truly most important. Even keyword density is also important factors, if our keywords repeat again and again, then our site grab into spam.

MakeRank said...

Thanks for you sharing all the input information. I agree with you that the title tag optimization is the most important of get into ranking.

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effective seo said...

The advantage of seo solutions in the world of getting backlinks to your website and discovering new readers who are definitely looking for exactly what it is you have to provide, whether its articles or solutions, another advantage is that your SEO technique gets a big increase for little persistence.

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