Digital Marketing

May 8, 2012

How To Add And Edit Your Landing Page / Custom Tab - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 4

Adding a landing page is so simple. I’ll provide a quick walk through of how to get the landing page configured and how to create your reveal tab. I have chosen the best application for this. and I’ll give you an article that will help in coding your page as I’ll only share how to create your Landing page and the reveal tab.

The first step to configuring a landing page is to install the the application to your public profile. The Static FBML application has removed by Facebook from March 18 2011 as they wanted to encourage users to use the Iframe. So I’ve searched for the best free applications and found “RevealTab” & “HostediFrame”. And I’ll be showing how to use HostediFrame application as I see it is easier to understand. but that doesn't mean that it is better than RevealTab. In fact, you should give them both a try.

Go to for “RevealTab” Application.
Go to for “Hostediframe” Application.

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