Digital Marketing

Jan 5, 2012

5 Social Media Mistakes To Avoid in 2012

If there are any marketers out there who don’t have social media marketing on their 2012 marketing plan, they’re a definite minority. Nearly everyone agrees that it’s among the most cost-effective tools available to us.  But there are five common social media mistakes that can be quite costly – so I’ve added them to my list of New Year’s Resolutions.  You might want to do the same!
Five Social Media Mistakes to Avoid in 2012
  1. Posting sporadically or inconsistently. Social media, like blogging, is a marathon – not a sprint.  Even if your very first blog post or tweet gets tons of clicks, there’s no guarantee that the next one will do the same.  Measurable results aren’t instant.  So don’t be a drive-by Tweeter or LinkedIn group poster.  You know the type:  they come in and post five or six comments….and then you don’t see them for weeks or months. Plan your day so that you spend a few minutes every single day posting, responding to tweets, thanking new followers (and please don’t bother thanking me if you’re planning on using an auto responder to do it!), and being part of the social media community. No matter how busy you are, on most days you can find 15 minutes to check in on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.  I find that I get an awful lot done while standing in line at the lunch counter, waiting for meetings to start, and while eating lunch at my desk.

Social Media Marketing Challenges For Corporations In 2012

A recent survey by Awareness provides insights into the challenges and opportunities for social media marketing in businesses.

The survey asked CMOs, marketing managers, and social media managers from corporations about their plans for social media marketing in 2012 and social media marketing challenges they face.

Challenge 1 – Not Enough Resources

Money and people reflect major challenges to social media marketing success to the corporations.  Most firms dedicated between 1 and 3 people to their social media marketing efforts.  A bigger problem is a lack of money dedicated to social media marketing.

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