Digital Marketing

Jun 17, 2011

Google Wonder Wheel Guide

Google Wonder Wheel is another way in which users can view search results. And 'only because it presents a vision that turns phrases related to the main search query.

Below is a step by step instructions on using Google Wonder Wheel

First, you enter a word or phrase in Google and search. In this guide, we'll just write in a wedding dress to use as an example.

Once done, look on the left and see a option that says "more research tools."

In the list of options that Google has offered to help users better find Google Wonder Wheel. This wonderful option will display results that are relevant to their search for a unique way. Note that other new options are very useful, so you can see them after leaving the Wonder Wheel.

Now, when you click on the Wonder Wheel is presented with a circle, like the plot, which includes the phrase the main research center and the other terms of branching out of the circle. As you can see a screenshot of the main search phrase, wedding dress, is at the center of the chart, while the theorems forks around the main theorem. Wonder Wheel on the right side of Google search results you will see normal.

At this point, you can begin to have some 'fun. If you click one of the sentences related to the wheel, you will be more results and wheel will increases. It 'very simple and the graphics do a lot more interesting. With the example we used a simple search led us to modest wedding dresses wedding dress and other results of all research.

Using the Wonder Wheel of Google is not only useful but also fun. Google will not tell you what is included in this amazing tool to make it even more fascinating and useful to researchers.

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