Digital Marketing

May 21, 2012

Facebook Advertisement Budget and Pricing - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 13

Before you start spending money on Facebook, it’s important to know how much you’re willing to spend and how much your advertising/marketing budget will allow. When in doubt, start small! Create a highly targeted ad and monitor it for results. When you’ve fine-tuned it for maximum results, then you can add another advertisement to your campaign or increase your budget.

I always suggest when you start an ad just start with a 50$ for each 3 different ads, so you test those 3 ads and the one who converts more stuck with it.

Once you’ve created your advertisement and chosen your target audience demographics you’ll be asked to set your budget and pricing. Here are the decisions you’ll be asked to make:

Pricing Type, there are two different pricing types on Facebook. They include:

Why Social Bookmarking - Who uses social bookmarking

 What social bookmarking is...

There are a group of web sites on the internet that are allowing people to save links ie. create bookmarks to web pages that they want to remember and/or share with others. These links or bookmarks are saved on a social bookmarking site and are usually viewable to the public. Social bookmarking sites sort of resemble web site directories.  The actual "social bookmarks" are basically links on a social networking site that have been added into an appropriate category by including the URL, descriptions, titles and keywords that apply to the bookmarked web site.

These bookmarks or links on the social bookmarking sites can then also be tagged or voted on by others which then provides some indication of its value, popularity or give an indication of a developing trend at that social networking site. Voting and Tagging of bookmarks are done by independent account users at each social bookmarking site. Social bookmarking links will tend to accumulate more tags over time if the social bookmarking site receives a fair amount of traffic. The more tags and votes that a bookmarked site receives, the higher the ranking of that bookmark within that particular category of the social bookmark site.

May 20, 2012

Design Your Advertisement - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 12

There are essentially four components to every Facebook Advertisement. They include:

URL – Your website address or where you want to drive traffic to. If you’re sending traffic to a promotion or sales page, then that page will be your URL. If you’re boosting traffic or awareness for your Facebook Fan Page then you’ll use that URL. You can also generate awareness for a Facebook Group, Game, Application or Event.

May 17, 2012

Facebook Advertising System - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 11

On November 6, 2006, Facebook launched their advertising program. “For the last hundred years media has been pushed out to people, but now marketers are going to be a part of the conversation. And they’re going to do this by using the social graph in the same way our users do,” Zuckerberg announced.

While Facebook ads work much the same as other PPC or Pay Per Click ads do, there are a few significant differences:

May 16, 2012

Making money with your Facebook Page - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 10

When you create your Facebook Page you should probably have some sort of goal in mind aside from attracting fans. While large brands are not as focused on turning Facebook fans into direct sales, smaller businesses should be focused on generating leads and occasionally selling products or services directly. The most important phase of the Facebook sales funnel is the action phase.

So we need to drive users to take some sort of action, right? Below are four ways of getting your fans to take action:

May 15, 2012

Using Facebook as your Page - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 9

Before few months Facebook Upgrade the Public profiles and has done big changes. Perhaps the most interesting change is the ability to switch away from your personal profile and use Facebook as if you are your Page. When you’re using Facebook in Page mode, you will be able to receive notifications for your Page, view a News Feed for your Page, comment and like and post on other Pages as your Page.

What You Can Do as Your Page?

Your Page activity

Basically, anything you do while using Facebook as your Page will appear on Facebook as coming from your Page.

You can view notifications of Page activity and new fans on your page through the top navigation bar. The friend requests icon now displays new fans and the notifications icon displays new activity on your Page.

May 13, 2012

Facebook Page settings - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 8

Facebook provide your public profile with a great settings, in this section I’ll cover those settings, but one thing I want you to know that I won’t include the Facebook Advertising system in this section as I believe that it should be in a separated one because Facebook Advertising is a big topic to talk about.

Facebook provides a tool for tracking the growth of the page as well as the number of interactions on your
page. There are a few numbers which you can look at to determine how to improve you page most effectively. This insights is extremely helpful to know how your page is going.

May 11, 2012

Interact With Your Fans - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 7

Interact With Your Fans

Want to have highly active fans in your Facebook page? You need to know how to make your Fans Active for any Update you do. You will need to make your fans so hot for your news or update. latterly you really should invest your time on this, because the number of followers isn’t as important as how your fans interact with you. Whether it’s posting followup comments or reaching out to fans that have asked valuable questions or have even posted criticism, it’s important that you build the best relationship with your fans.

Ask Questions
Facebook Pages present an amazing opportunity to learn about your existing Fans or customers. People love to talk about themselves so ask them questions that are also related to your company. For example, Baskin-Ronnins happened to ask about the favorite flavor in one of their updates and they got hundreds of comments answering the question. Additionally you can simply ask general questions such as “what are going in next weekend?”

May 10, 2012

Facebook Optimizing your page SEO “Search Engine Optimization” - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 6

If you don’t have any idea about SEO, simply the main goal of search engine optimization is to increase the amount of traffic going to any given site by search engines. Now search engines (and mostly Google) serve as the starting point of a user’s journey around the web.

What’s great about Facebook’s public profiles is that Facebook already has a big amount of search engine
juice. Google alone has indexed over 430 million pages for Facebook.

1. Get Your URL
URLs are a large part or search engine optimization. Search engines use as much information as possible to determine the relevance of a particular page for a given search. For example my page has the following URL: which makes it easier to access. The short URL is definitely effective at getting Google “juice”. Go here to get your custom URL but make sure that you have got more than 25 fans.

2. Select A Good Title For Your Landing Page
The name of your Facebook is so important. On Facebook Pages there are few things you can use to boost your search engine rankings and page titles is one of those things. Many SEO experts will tell you that spending a lot of time on the title of a website isn’t important as much as the pages title inside that website. So spend enough time to configure the time of you Landing Page.

May 9, 2012

Facebook Generating Free Fans - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 5

So far we’ve discussed how to build your Facebook page. Now we are going to go over a few tips that are going to help you to increase your fans for free. You need to effectively follow what you going to read throughout this guide. Please before you start reading this section go ahead and invite your Facebook friends.

Target Gurus And Influences

The point is that the most connected individuals that are also connected to other highly connected Influencers end up having a ton of influencers. We all know super connecters and if you are looking to build your public profile’s fan base, you should be targeting them. Randomly follow these individuals is not the best way to go about it though. A well planned and well executed targeting process will yield the maximum results.

Steps To start targeting influencers
There are a number of reasons you shouldn’t just start randomly messaging influencers. So now that you know why I don’t like randomly reaching out to influencers. Here are the steps that I suggest going through:

May 8, 2012

How To Add And Edit Your Landing Page / Custom Tab - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 4

Adding a landing page is so simple. I’ll provide a quick walk through of how to get the landing page configured and how to create your reveal tab. I have chosen the best application for this. and I’ll give you an article that will help in coding your page as I’ll only share how to create your Landing page and the reveal tab.

The first step to configuring a landing page is to install the the application to your public profile. The Static FBML application has removed by Facebook from March 18 2011 as they wanted to encourage users to use the Iframe. So I’ve searched for the best free applications and found “RevealTab” & “HostediFrame”. And I’ll be showing how to use HostediFrame application as I see it is easier to understand. but that doesn't mean that it is better than RevealTab. In fact, you should give them both a try.

Go to for “RevealTab” Application.
Go to for “Hostediframe” Application.

May 4, 2012

Featured likes Area and Images Tab - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 3

Featured likes area and images Tab

1. Images Tab

2. Featured Likes Area

Many page owners never give any interest to these sections. In fact, this is a big mistake if you have products or websites. Due to these sections can let people know about your other products or websites and get a testimonials about them. Also you can use the Images Tab to upload you employees pictures.

Landing page / custom Tab

When a new fan visits your public profile, it’s extremely useful to explain to them what the public profile is about and why they should become a fan. The goal of the landing page is to immediately convert the visitor into a new fan and then engage the fan after they’ve joined. I’ve seen companies use contests for engaging the user but the vast majority of Facebook Pages have no separate landing page. The result is that the public profiles have a lower conversion of new visitors into fans. There is one exception for public profiles that have no landing page but high conversion: companies with a high brand affinity. Such as Adidas or Coca-Cola can convert visitors without having a landing page because they have such a strong brand.

Landing page: Is where people land when they go to your page.
Reveal tab: Is when you hide something from your visitors asking them to click the like button to get it. and when they become a fan they get whatever you provide.

May 3, 2012

Creating Your Public Profile - Facebook Marketing Secrets - Chapter 2

Creating your Public profile isn’t a hard thing to do, but I’m going to share in this guide how to create the right profile that going to convert your visitor to fans and your fans to leads and customers. choosing the right title, profile picture, landing page etc... is really important.

To create your Fan page simply follow the steps below

Then choose the best category and page title that describe your Fan page

Now that you created you Facebook fan page, it’s the time to continue your profile.

May 2, 2012

Facebook Marketing Secrets - Guide For Your Business Promotion - Chapter 1

Hi guys, before you go through this guide I want to thank you for investing your time reading it. Moreover, This is a free guide I have worked so hard to complete it, I did my best to make it so clear to understand and as simple as I could. But you know nothing is perfect as throughout this guide you may face some mistakes.


This guide walks you through 7 Important sections that will talk about:

1. How to create and set your Facebook Page correctly?
2. How to get free fans?
3. How to encourage your Fans?
4. How to use your page Settings?
5. How to make money with your page?
6. How to use the Facebook advertsing system?
7. What you should do next?

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