Digital Marketing

Apr 25, 2012

Google Webspam Algorithm Update Rolled Out

Its been Panda Google Update which lured many and eliminated many spammy sites with lot of duplicate content. Now Google has rolled out another Algoritham update which is called “Webspam Algorithm Update” by Google Company.

Google has now focused more on literate spammers who spam its search results or purposely do things to rank better that are against Google’s publishers guidelines.  Google hopes that this algorithm will better catch people doing all the spam.

Earlier Google made two important updates in the recent one year, which includes Panda changes that successfully returned higher-quality sites in search results. And earlier this year Google launched a page layout algorithm that reduces rankings for sites that don’t make much content available “above the fold.”

Google Webmaster Central Blog hinted one more update coming soon!

Apr 23, 2012

Five Things To Know About Google

• Google’s basic, white home page wasn’t conceived as some sort of ode to minimalism—it was pure necessity. “We don’t have a webmaster and I don’t do HTML,” Mayer recalls Google co-founder Sergey Brin saying.

• Mayer almost killed the idea of targeting ads against users’ e-mails, having initially considered the idea “creepy.” A colleague working an all-nighter ignored her rejection of the idea, and ads-in-e-mail later turned into Google’s AdSense, a multi-billion dollar business.

• Google has calculated that an ad on its home page would cost at least $10 million, if not more. Don’t get excited—the space isn’t for sale.

• Most Google pages sport a small copyright notice at the bottom. It’s not necessary, but company leaders installed the symbol after initial test users did nothing but stare at the home page, “waiting for the rest of it to load,” Mayer said. The symbol was a sign that the minimal page was loaded, ready for a search.

• Mayer once had an intense fascination with Motorola’s circa-1996 StarTAC mobile phone and bought used models on eBay to build a collection. (Google is now buying Motorola; there’s no connection.)

Apr 12, 2012

Best Free SEO Tools - Increase web traffic to your website

Increase web traffic to your website, Below are the best free SEO tools for you. Internet tools and google tools in one place and help webmasters to build a successfull website and Optimize for increase web traffic to your website.

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Backlink Checker
Our free backlink checker tool helps individuals with websites and blogs...

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Knowing who's linking to your site, not to mention your competitors, is an...

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The Link Extractor tool helps you to easily extract all of the outbound...

Apr 2, 2012

Bing Changing Video Section With Filmstrips - Trending Video Searches

Microsoft is now changing its Video service by presenting a array of new functions. Published on the Bing blog on 27 march 2012, the web page is currently not live, so these functions are yet to be decided.

Now looking video clips on Bing will be easier, with bigger and more useful previews on the result page, an unlimited scrolling bar to involve all appropriate video clips, relevant content, a bigger video watching screen, filmstrips and more. This upgrade will be provided worldwide.

Bing will be adding improvements to the regular search page as well, where keywords containing the search term "video" will generate results with bigger video previews, an included time-length press and also, bigger symbols.

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